My Artistic

My art mirrors my journey through life's shadows and light. It delves into the depths of peoples emotion, capturing fleeting moments and unspoken stories. Each stroke echoes the essence of our shared experiences, from the silent struggles to the whispered hopes.

Every piece of art I create carries the weight of a journey, each one tinged with a hint of sorrow. It starts with a spark of inspiration, sometimes born from the mundane routines or moments of profound solitude. In my quest for expression, I traverse through a landscape of mediums, from the cold embrace of digital tools to the comforting familiarity of traditional techniques. Each stroke feels like a step further into the abyss of my emotions, an attempt to navigate the depths of my soul through the canvas.

Beyond the Canvas

When I'm not creating art, I find inspiration in Music. These passions influence and enrich my artistic perspective, helping me to bring fresh ideas and innovative approaches to my work.

Thank you for joining me on this artistic journey. I invite you to explore my portfolio, share in the emotions conveyed through my art, and connect with me. Whether you're an art lover, a fellow artist, or someone seeking a custom commission, I look forward to connecting with you and sharing the beauty of creativity.



Tamlyn Cargill Strong

March 2015 - Present

Artist in Residence

New South Wales Residency

January 2014 - December 2014


Copyright © 2023, Tamlyn Cargill Strong. All rights reserved.


Copyright © 2023, Tamlyn Cargill Strong. All rights reserved.